Sunlight: Why You Need It!
What if we told you that sunlight is one of the most overlooked natural cures? The vitamin D absorbed by the sun has been proven to heal and reverse a host of medical ailments. The sun's anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and even anti-cancer...
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Simple vs. Complex Carbs
Low Carb. High Carb. No Carb.  You’ve heard of them all, but which one is the best? If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that a low carbohydrate diet can be very beneficial for improving and maintaining proper...
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3 Benefits of Butter Coffee
Butter! It Gets a Bad Rap.  What if we told you that eating fat helped you gain energy and lose weight? That's right - eating healthy fats improves your mood and overall physique! Some fads come and go, but butter in...
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